
Yoga is Everything and for Every Body

We live in an image driven society where everyone is concerned about their bodies. Everyone is trying to uphold an image of how they want the world to see them and how they see themselves. Let’s try something different. Leave all the masks at the door and come sit on the mat with me. Let’s talk….

Come to your mat and forget about everything outside in the world. Leave all of your worries and fears behind and let’s focus on you. Let’s try something different. Let’s try Yoga. The goal here is not to do a handstand. The yoga poses are not the goal. Becoming flexible or thin is not the goal. Having a yoga booty is not the goal. The goal is to create a space where you were once stuck. To unveil layers of protection you’ve built around your heart. To appreciate your body and learn to listen to your body. To become aware of the mind, the noise it creates, and its undeniable power. To move inward. To make peace with who you are. To discover your true nature, your true self. The goal is to LOVE….well, YOU.

Shift your focus and your heart will grow. You will discover that the coolest place on earth is right inside of you. You will discover that you are beautiful and you are enough. You will discover that Love, Joy, and Happiness lives right there…inside of you.



is the ability to direct the mind without distraction and interruption, to come together, to unite, to tie the strands of the mind together. To obtain what was previously unattainable. Every time you reach a point where you have never been that is Yoga. Every change is Yoga. Being present, really present in every action, and in every moment is Yoga. Yoga is to be one with the divine no matter what name you use for the divine. Anything that brings us closer to understanding that there is a power higher that is greater than ourselves is Yoga. When you feel in harmony with that higher power that is also Yoga. In our ordinary lives we have Yoga (union) with nature, but union with God is the real Yoga. Yoga is not religious, it is universality. With the light of Yogic understanding everyone from all walks of life can come together and be together as one, with one purpose - union with God.

“Ekam sat vipraha bahudha vadanti” - Truth is one; seers express it in many ways.